COVID Post-Vaccine Syndrome Management
Major public health agencies do not recognize post-COVID-vaccine injuries, and this disease does not have an ICD classification code. While there is no official definition, a temporal association between a patient getting a COVID-19 vaccine and the onset or development of clinical manifestations is sufficient to identify as a COVID-19 vaccine-induced damage when the symptoms are unaccounted for by other concurrent causes.

Because there are no published data on the management of vaccine-injured individuals, our therapeutic strategy is based on the proposed pathogenetic mechanism, clinical observations, and patient tales. Treatment must be tailored to each patient’s specific symptoms and illness syndromes. It is possible that not all patients will respond equally to the same intervention; one intervention may save a patient’s life while being completely unsuccessful for another.

Early treatment is critical; if treatment is delayed, the response will most certainly be diminished.

I-RECOVER: FLCCC Launches Post-Vaccine Treatment Protocol Webinar

(Treatment protocol starts at 12”min )

For detailed instructions and sources, download PDF here or go An Approach to the Management of Post-Vaccine Syndrome.



About the author : detovax

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