The Magic Mineral Formula (MMS)
By Walter Last
At the moment, sodium chlorite is being advertised as a “miracle mineral supplement” or “MMS” that has better antimicrobial activity than other minerals. The person who found this cure said that all 75,000 people with malaria who were treated with it were cured within a day, and 98% were cured within 4 hours. This shows how powerful it is (1). This has big effects not just on self-healing, but also on the drug industry and medicine. In the next part, I want to talk about these things.
Usage of Sodium Chlorite in the Past
Acidified sodium chlorite is used as an antimicrobial treatment in the food industry, to clean water, and to sterilise hospital and clinic rooms and equipment in many countries, including Australia and the United States. It has been used to clean hospitals for 100 years, and the US meat industry has used it for about 50 years. Countries and cities that care about their citizens’ health are replacing the harmful chlorine in public water supplies with the safe chlorine dioxide (2).
In solution, sodium chlorite (NaClO2) is very alkaline and stable, but when acidified, it changes into the gas chlorine dioxide (ClO2), which smells like chlorine and is probably the strongest all-around antimicrobial and parasite remedy. Even though it kills all anaerobic microbes and parasites, it doesn’t hurt the lactobacteria that are good for our gut flora. After MMS treatment, only a small amount of table salt or sodium chloride is left in water, food, and the body (NaCl).
In 2003, the Australia-New Zealand Food Standards Code was changed to allow the use of sodium chlorite acidified with citric acid or other food acids to treat the surfaces of meat, poultry, fish, fruit, and vegetables to kill germs (3). It takes less than 5 minutes to mix and apply, and the level of chlorine dioxide does not go above 3 ppm. The safety assessment report said that, if used correctly, there would be no toxicological concerns because no residues would be found in the raw foods after they were treated and before they were sold.
In solid form, sodium chlorite is unstable, so it is usually mixed with about 20% sodium chloride. Australia makes it for sale and ships it as a 31% solution in water. Vibrex, a 5% solution, is available to end users in the food and agriculture industries. It is also sold in the United States and the United Kingdom as tablets that release chlorine dioxide (e.g. releasing 4 ppm per1 litre or per 30 litre of water). In Germany and Italy, the main chemical used to treat public water supplies is chlorine dioxide.
Strangely, a patent has been given for intravenous use of stabilised sodium chlorite that doesn’t make chlorine dioxide to treat autoimmune diseases, hepatitis, and lymph cancers. It is said to stop or slow down antigen activity and autoimmune responses (4).
How MMS, the Miracle Mineral Supplement, Came to Be
Jim Humble, a chemist and metallurgist, found MMS by accident when he used a whole bottle of Stabilized Electrolytes of Oxygen (S.E.O.) to cure a friend of malaria right away while on an expedition in the jungle. About 3% of S.E.O. is sodium chlorite.
Humble slowly realized that S.E.O. is too weak and that it doesn’t work by releasing oxygen. Instead, it works by releasing chlorine dioxide, which is released when it is made acidic. It has also been used this way to clean hospitals. The challenge was to find a safe dose and way to use this most effective antimicrobial for people. Humble ended up using a solution that was supposed to be 28% but was actually only 22.4% sodium chlorite because it had almost 20% sodium chloride in it. Humble called his sodium chlorite the Miracle Mineral Supplement because of how well it helped the immune system fight off microbes and parasites. But I like to call it Miracle Mineral Solution because health officials have to approve supplements, but a solution to clean water doesn’t have to be registered.
Using a maximum of 3 x 15 drops, he writes, “MMS is producing some of the quickest results I have seen in people’s health, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, shingles, warts getting hard and falling off, and many more.” Also, people with AIDS who were very sick went back to work without showing any more signs of illness (1).
Basically, all diseases that are caused by microbes or immune reactions respond very well. This includes infections, autoimmune diseases, and most of our other illnesses. During the 2001 Anthrax attack, chlorine dioxide was used to kill the Anthrax. Even diseases that aren’t thought to have anything to do with microbes or the immune system are said to have gotten better (1).
As an example of how MMS can have unexpected results, Humble tells the following story: MMS was given to a teen girl who was overweight, depressed, and not getting breasts. The next day, she got bigger breasts. After another dose 4 days later, she had her first period in 6 months, her breasts were fully developed, her depression lifted, and she started losing weight (1). From what I can tell, this means that Candida was the cause of all of her problems.
Because it is a strong oxidizer, chlorine dioxide seems to stop many poisons from working. It may also help with toothaches and make heavy metals easier to get rid of. Another difference between chlorine dioxide and chlorine is that chlorine dioxide doesn’t react with food, body cells, or even “good” intestinal bacteria. Instead, it only kills pathogenic microbes. But it does react with vitamin C and maybe other antioxidants that are also reactive.
If a lot of people found out about this treatment option and used it, it would be terrible for the medical-pharmaceutical complex. The FDA has a long history of jailing and otherwise getting rid of people who come up with effective natural remedies and therapies that hurt the drug industry. As an American, Humble tries to protect himself by staying in hiding in Africa or Central America.
Instructions for Use
In many countries, it is against the law to use MMS to treat people. Instead, it should be used to clean water. Then, we can drink the water that has been cleaned, which will give our immune systems a boost. Jim Humble has now come up with many different ways to treat the disease ( The original instructions said to start with 1 or 2 drops of MMS and work up to 15 drops three times a day. Mix the MMS with something acidic. Most people recommend a 10% solution of citric acid in water, which you can make yourself by dissolving 1 teaspoon of citric acid crystals in 9 parts water. Citric acid is often sold as a baking ingredient in stores like grocery stores. Chlorine dioxide is made when acid reacts with chlorine. After adding the acid for three minutes, dilute it with half a glass of water, herb tea, or juice as described below.
Before it was found that 10% citric acid works much better, lemon juice, lime juice, or vinegar were used as activators. Apple cider vinegar might make fungal problems worse, but white vinegar is fine. Most of the time, you are told to add 5 times more acid than MMS. To get the number of drops from a standard MMS bottle, multiply the number of drops from a standard glass eye dropper by 1.5. But different eye droppers, pipettes, and bottle tops have different drop sizes. You can standardise your dropper by counting how many drops from the MMS bottle and how many drops from your eye dropper are needed to fill a teaspoon or another suitable measure. One millilitre (ml) of MMS is equal to 17 drops. About 80 drops are in a level teaspoon of MMS, lemon juice, or a 10% citric acid solution. So there are about 20 drops in a quarter teaspoon.
So, to make it easier to use, you don’t have to count the drops of acid as long as you make sure to take more acid than less. When taking 15 drops of MMS, mix it with a full teaspoon of acid. When taking 6 or 7 drops of MMS, mix it with half a teaspoon of acid. In general, take more or less acid depending on how much MMS you are taking. Also, citric acid with a concentration of 10% is about 5 times stronger than the other acids. To get the same results as with citric acid, you may need to use more of the other acids.
The more chlorine dioxide is made in a short amount of time, the stronger the acid. Because of this, the smell of chlorine dioxide is much stronger after adding 10% citric acid, and the effect on microbes and parasites is also much stronger. Lyme disease, which is caused by a virus that is spread by ticks, got better with 15 drops of MMS acidified with 10% citric acid, but not with the other acids. When you mix the same number of drops of MMS and 50% citric acid, the effect is even stronger. In this case, mix for 20 seconds and then add water or juice to thin it out. By mixing a level spoonful of citric acid crystals with a level spoonful of water, you can make 50% citric acid. Humble now says that the 50% citric acid method is his favorite.
Most o the time, you don’t need to worry too much about how many drops and what size they are. The main idea is to keep slowly increasing the amount of MMS you take until your immune system problem is gone.
After 3 minutes or 20 seconds of mixing with 10% citric acid, dilute with half a glass of water, more herb tea, or juice without added vitamin C, like apple or grape juice, but not orange juice. Cinnamon, by itself or mixed with honey into the water, can also mask any bad taste in the solution. The smell isn’t as strong as it used to be because the chlorine dioxide is still in the water and isn’t escaping into the air. Take no antioxidant supplements around MMS. If it tastes too acidic to you, add sodium bicarbonate to the liquid right before you drink it.
To make sure you don’t feel sick, you can drink the diluted MMS all at once or in small amounts over an hour or two. It works best when your stomach is empty, but that can make you feel sick. If that happens, temporarily cut back on the dose or eat something. You could also take a dose, like six drops, and then another six drops an hour later. A single dose taken twice or three times a day seems to work less well than a double dose taken at once. Most people won’t be able to take two sets of 15 drops without getting sick, which is the highest double dose.
MMS might work best if you take it right before bed. MMS works very quickly, and most people feel sleepy after taking it. Also, being sick is easier to deal with if you can go to sleep. If you take MMS twice a day, take one dose at night before you go to sleep. Some people, though, find that MMS has the opposite effect and makes it hard for them to fall asleep.
Taking 3 to 4 drops of acidified and diluted MMS every hour and a half for several days is another way to boost the antimicrobial program or get rid of an infection. If you feel sick, you should temporarily lower the dose. You can do this by swallowing the MMS or by letting it get into your body through your mouth.
Humble thinks it’s safe to give MMS to children when they have infections. The maximum dose for children, people who are underweight, or people who are overweight is 3 drops per 11.4 kg or 25 pounds. I would instead use a maximum of 2-3 drops per 12 kg.
Humble thinks that the intensive MMS treatment is done for most conditions after taking 15 drops twice or three times a day for a week. If you can’t reach this level, just stay at the highest dose you can use for a little longer. After this, Humble says that older people should take 6 drops every day and younger people should take 6 drops twice a week.
My personal preference is to only do an initial antimicrobial cleanse that lasts a few weeks, and then to only take a relatively high dose when an infection starts to show up, and not use it at all other times. For chronic conditions like root canal fillings, bio-films on surgical implants, or other microbe factories that can’t be cleaned right away, and especially cancer and all autoimmune diseases, I would recommend taking 5 to 10 drops of non-acidified MMS every day, as explained in the Ultimate Cleanse.
The Situations Vary
When there is a serious acute infection or poisoning, like malaria, Humble says to give 15 drops right away, then another 15 drops an hour later. Most conditions tend to get better when you take a medium dose over a long period of time. However, some parasitic and viral conditions seem to need at least one high double dose to get better. It seems that a high double dose is easier to handle with acute conditions that could kill you than with chronic conditions.
For conditions that have been going on for a long time, always increase the number of drops slowly over the course of a week or two. Adding one or two drops each day until you feel sick. Then it will go down by two drops and stay at that level for a few days before going up again. So, you slowly work your way up to a higher dose, lowering it and then increasing it again to keep nausea in check. You might have less trouble if you split your daily dose into two doses, one in the morning and one before bed, but after a while, you should always try to go up a little at a time until you start to feel sick. If you still feel sick when you increase the dose, switch to MMS that is not acidified, as explained below.
With an acute infection, you might start with 3 or 4 drops and then quickly add more, even if this makes you feel sick, throw up, or go to the bathroom a lot. A high double dose of MMS can often help with severe parasite problems, such as malaria attacks, poisoning, food poisoning, or snake bites.
For abscessed teeth, infected gums, and pyorrhea, rinse your mouth for a few minutes with 6 drops of acidified and diluted MMS. For a sore throat, gargle often. Lastly, you can add more water, tea, or juice and drink it. Try different amounts until you find the right dose for you.
When you have a sinus infection, you may mix a drop of chlorine dioxide with acid and sniff it several times, first through one nostril and then the other. But this can make the mucous membranes feel irritated. So, be very careful when you do this.
For irritated or infected skin, you can bathe or wash the affected area with acidified MMS that has been diluted to the right level. Someone told me that psoriasis went away after a few weeks of treatment on the skin. I would also use it topically for other autoimmune skin diseases, such as scleroderma, leukoderma/vitiligo and alopecia or autoimmune-related baldness. At the same time, you can take MMS without making it acidic.
Humble says that if you have a burn, you should squirt MMS straight from the bottle all over the burn. In this case, don’t use the acid. Spread it all over the burn with the tips of your fingers in a very light touch. Let’s stay there for only 30 to 60 seconds. The alkaline solution of the MMS makes the acidic chemical in the burn go away. The pain stops right away, in a matter of seconds. Use water to get rid of the MMS. You have to wash it off right away, or the burn will get worse. If you do this right, the burn will heal in about a quarter of the time it would take without treatment. He says that people with sunburns should leave the MMS on for 15 to 30 seconds and then wash it off with water.
You could use it activated in half a litre of water as a retention enema if you have bowel cancer or a condition that makes your bowels swell. Use another enema or a laxative to clean out your bowels before you do this. If you have cancer of the uterus, cervix, or ovaries, you could also try putting the activated solution in at a concentration that won’t irritate the area.
With colds, MMS kills the virus but doesn’t stop the mucus from coming out, which is good. The Sugar Cure can stop this from happening: Keep a teaspoon of fine sugar in your mouth until it dissolves, then spit it out and take another teaspoonful. Keep doing this for another hour or two, and if you need to, do it again the next day. The sugar pulls mucus and lymph fluid out of the lymph glands, which slowly clears the headspaces. For more information, see Instant Cure of the Common Cold.
I recommend taking high doses of MMS for only one or two days if you have the flu. After that, you should take a lot of sodium ascorbate, like half a teaspoon in liquid (like fresh orange juice) every two hours until you feel better.
Non-Acidified MMS: Medical patents describe how stabilised sodium chlorite can be used orally, topically, and intravenously to treat autoimmune diseases and chronic infections, as well as hepatitis and lymphoma, and to stop the neurotoxic effects of acetaldehyde made by Candida and other fungi. When these things happen, the solution is not made acidic! This is also good for infections in the kidneys and bladder.
The main reason sodium chlorite may help with autoimmune diseases is that it can kill pleomorphic microbes, which are at the root of not only autoimmune diseases but also cancer. So, after a short time of using acidified MMS, autoimmune diseases and cancer can be treated with non-acidified MMS on a regular basis. This is much better for the body’s antioxidants than long-term use of acidified MMS, and it will make nausea much less likely to happen.
Try 5 to 10 drops (or half a ml) of MMS in a drink once a day, either after dinner or before bed. So, you can use vitamin C and other antioxidants until the middle of the afternoon without affecting how MMS works. But, like acidified MMS, non-acidic sodium chlorite does react with glutathione in body cells and reduce it. So, only use it for short periods, like one week every other week, and don’t do this programme for more than 6 to 10 weeks (3 to 5 cycles) before taking a longer break of a month or more. You could also use it five times a week for three to five weeks. Use more of other antimicrobials, like Olive Leaf Extract or Lugol’s solution, during breaks.
Problems and Side Effects
People may find it hard to stick with the MMS programme if they feel sick all the time. This is especially a problem for people with advanced cancer and other conditions that last for a long time. So, before starting MMS therapy, I usually suggest a programme of cleaning out the gut and antimicrobial therapy with milder agents. This will get rid of most of the toxic load with less pain than if you started with MMS right away. As part of this preliminary programme, I suggest a 3-week course of Lugol’s solution or a less concentrated form of aqueous iodine, and then a course of MMS. For instructions, go to and look at the Ultimate Cleanse.
Some people with advanced degenerative diseases get very weak when they take MMS. This seems to have nothing to do with die-back reactions. I think that this is because they don’t have enough antioxidants, and especially because they don’t have enough glutathione. Take 1 gramme of N-Acetyl Cysteine every day to increase the production of glutathione. This also helps get rid of minerals that are harmful.
Usually, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea will happen at some point, and they are good for cleaning out your body. Sometimes, other reactions, like inflammations, can happen for a short time. You can take 1,000 mg or more of vitamin C to stop feeling sick, but this stops the antimicrobial activity. Vitamin B6, ginger, pressing 2-3 cm below the wrist in the middle of the underarm, and reflexology may also help with nausea. To press the foot reflex for the stomach, press just below the joint of the big toes against a sharp rock, step, or corner of some furniture.
I also found that if you clean out your bowels before taking the drops or as soon as you start to feel sick, you can get rid of a lot of the nausea. This can be done with an enema or colonic, or by taking a good laxative before the nausea starts. You could also use activated MMS in half a litre of water as a retention enema if you have bowel cancer or a condition that makes your bowels swell. Use another enema or a laxative to clean out your bowels before you do this. If you have cancer of the uterus, cervix, or ovaries, you could also try injecting a non-acidic MMS solution at a concentration that won’t irritate the skin. For more on how to beat cancer, see HOW TO BEAT CANCER.
With cardiovascular diseases and arteriosclerosis, it has been said that MMS therapy could remove cholesterol deposits too quickly, which could cause the blood vessels to weaken. Before starting MMS therapy, Dr. Matthias Rath suggests taking a lot of vitamin C, up to 10 g per day in divided doses, to avoid or lessen problems. This is done to make the blood vessels stronger and more flexible. Lemon juice, green juice, copper salicylate, magnesium chloride, MSM, and N-Acetylglucosamine are some other nutrients that can help improve elasticity.
Oxidants versus Antioxidants
As a side effect of MMS therapy, you might also get inflammations or feel sick. To understand this effect, we need to look at how inflammation works and what oxidants and antioxidants have to do with it. Inflammations bring more blood and nutrients to a certain area. This is important for the immune system to work and for damaged organs and tissues to heal. If the immune system isn’t strong enough to get rid of invading microbes and sick body cells, what were once healing immune inflammations can turn into damaging chronic inflammations. This is a sign of the epidemic of chronic diseases we’re seeing right now.
Oxidants help the immune system because they kill microbes directly and give the immune system more power. This makes inflammation worse when strong oxidants like chlorine dioxide are used. As a result, as with any real health improvement, there may be different healing reactions, such as short-term inflammations, during MMS treatment. Even if it hurts in the short term, this is good for healing in the long run. See for a more in-depth look at this process, which is called a healing crisis or healing reaction.
Using anti-inflammatory steroids to treat autoimmune diseases is a traditional way to stop inflammation, which is the opposite of what happens in this process. From what I’ve seen, these diseases can be cured with natural methods in a few weeks or months, but it’s much harder to make progress when steroidal drugs are also used. In this case, steroidal drugs stop any increase in immune activity that leads to an increase in inflammation. But it’s best not to cut down on anti-inflammatory drugs too much until the intestines and infected teeth have been cleaned and antimicrobial therapy has been done.
The job of oxidants is the opposite of what antioxidants do. They keep our cells and functions from being damaged by oxidation. Oxidation can only happen in well-established and safe ways to make energy or get rid of invaders and other harmful things. If we increase the amount of oxidants we eat, we also need to increase the amount of antioxidants we eat. If we don’t, tissue irritation and other degenerative changes could lead to inflammations that aren’t necessary. This can happen when you use high doses of MMS for more than a few days and your eyesight gets worse.
Lack of antioxidants is common in people with chronic diseases and as they get older. If you take a lot of MMS or use it for a long time, this problem will get worse. When using MMS, it is important to eat more antioxidants because of this. But oxidants and antioxidants should not be around each other during the day. If they are, they could cancel each other out. For example, you might take MMS before breakfast and before bed, and antioxidants from midday until dinner.
This is true not only for antioxidant supplements like vitamin C and E, B-complex, coenzyme Q10, or grapeseed extract, but also for antioxidant-rich foods like purple berries and juices, fresh fruit, polyunsaturated oils, turmeric, black or green tea, cocoa, and others. Because chlorine dioxide reacts well with vitamin C, it is best to take at least 1 gramme of vitamin C when taking a high dose of MMS for more than a few days to protect structures that are easily damaged by oxidation, like the heart, brain, and eyes.
Overdose of sodium chlorite: Anyone who has taken more than a half teaspoon of the miracle mineral solution should start drinking as much water as possible right away. Each glass of water should have a half teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and sodium ascorbate, or whichever is available. You could also try to make yourself throw up after drinking a lot of water.
After a high dose of MMS, the main danger comes from low blood pressure and hypoglycemic shock, which happen when fluid is lost through vomiting and diarrhoea. If this happens, take a lot of vitamin C right away to stop the reaction, lie down, and drink a lot of water that has been lightly salted and sweetened. As a general rule, people who have been throwing up or having diarrhoea should drink a mixture of 6 level teaspoons of sugar and 1/2 level teaspoon of salt dissolved in 1 litre of water, or salted rice water. Also. People with G6PD deficiency, which is an enzyme deficiency that can lead to hemolytic anaemia, should stay away from MMS and other things that can cause oxidation.
MMS is still available on the Internet right now. There are two different kinds with slightly different parts. The product that Global Light and its distributors use is made from technical sodium chlorite flakes with 20% sodium chloride, while the MMS from StrideintoHealth ( is a pure sodium chlorite solution used in the food industry. MMS is a solution of the flakes that is supposed to be 28%, but because it has a lot of sodium chloride, the actual concentration of sodium chlorite is only 22.4%, which is the same in both products.
Keep MMS from getting too much sun. See also the more recent article MIRACLE MINERAL SUPPLEMENT – An Integrated MMS Therapy, and visit or to see if there are any new protocols.
where to buy? Buy MMS on Amazon
here is the Jim Humble’s book download link
About the author : detovax
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